RailFans don't miss their train. Why? Because they go to the station HOURS before the actual departure of their Train - to watch OTHER trains depart. - Prince Maan

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Blog Entry# 1066736
Posted: Apr 22 2014 (09:44)

2 Responses
Last Response: Apr 22 2014 (11:33)
Train Tip

Apr 22 2014 (09:44)   13150/Kanchankanya Express (PT) | KQU/Kamarkundu (5 PFs)
de_prakash^~   11283 blog posts
Entry# 1066736            Tags   Past Edits
If, you want to deboard at Kamarkundu, it will be difficult and risky if you are in any coach among S3, S2, S1 and the last two General Coach as these coaches does not touch platforms.
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Apr 22 2014 (10:05)
FIRSTLOVESKSF~   24105 blog posts
Re# 1066736-1              
then its better to get to other sleeper coaches before arriving the station and the difficulty will be avoided. regarding general passengers nothing can be done.. at least one more coach can be taken on PF by taking the loco out of the PF. Is there any plan for increasing length of PF..
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Apr 22 2014 (11:33)
de_prakash^~   11283 blog posts
Re# 1066736-2              
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