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Blog Entry# 1314977
Posted: Dec 21 2014 (00:25)

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Dec 21 2014 (00:25)   03173/Sealdah - Kamakhya Special Fare AC Special
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On 19th Dec Sealdah Duronto arrived at 1840 hrs in Sealdah but still Kamakhya AC Special departed heavily delayed. No question on extra rake of Sealdah Duronto being kept at Sealdah because the other one left for New Delhi that day only. It will start from Kamakhya at 0130 hrs being 5hrs delayed. Mystery of that delay is still unanswered. 5hrs are enough for cleaning and making it ready.
All eyes on 02262 DN Kamakhya AC special which will arrive today. Lets see which rake it is taking because there is already a question of HA in the CC. Is it the Sealdah Duronto rake or Mysterious new LHB/ICF rakes. Most probably it will be the green snake but lets see.
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