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Blog Entry# 6190740
Posted: Sep 15 2024 (10:45)

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SECR/South East Central
Sep 15 2024 (10:45)   PM Modi to Inaugurate Raipur-Visakhapatnam Vande Bharat Express on September 16th

AdittyaaSharma^~   79762 news posts
Entry# 6190740         Tags   Past Edits
16 सितंबर को रायपुर(दुर्ग)-विशाखापट्‌टनम वंदेभारत एक्सप्रेस का होगा शुभारंभ:PM मोदी वीडियो कॉन्फेंसिंग के जरिए दिखाएंगे हरी झंडी, ट्रेन में होगी 16 कोच

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Raipur (Durg)-Visakhapatnam Vande Bharat Express on September 16th. He will flag off the train virtually through video conferencing. The South East Central Railway Bilaspur Zone has confirmed this information. The train will depart from Raipur as an inaugural special on September 16th. From September...
20th, the Durg-Visakhapatnam-Durg Vande Bharat Express will operate on its regular schedule. The train consists of 16 coaches. The train, numbered 20829/20830, will operate six days a week (excluding Thursday) in both directions. The train will run on a special schedule for the inauguration on September 16th and will operate on its regular schedule from September 20th onwards.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi 16 September ko Raipur (Durg)-Visakhapatnam Vande Bharat Express ka shubhaarambh karenge. PM video conferencing ke zariye is train ko green flag dekar rawana karenge. South East Central Railway Bilaspur Zone ne yeh jaankari di hai. Inauguration special ke roop mein Raipur se rawana hogi. 16 September ko...
Raipur station se inauguration special ke roop mein Vande Bharat special time-table ke anusar chalegi. Isi tarah 20 September se Durg-Visakhapatnam-Durg Vande Bharat Express apne regular time-table ke anusar chalegi. Is train mein 16 coach shamil hain. Gadi sankhya 20829/20830 Durg-Visakhapatnam-Durg Vande Bharat Express train ki sewa saptaah mein 6 din (guruvaar ko chhodkar) dono chhor se sanchaalit ki jaayegi. 16 September ko yeh train inauguration special ke roop mein special time-table ke anusar chलाई जाएगी। 20 September se train no. 20829/20830 Durg-Visakhapatnam-Durg Vande Bharat Express train apne regular time-table ke anusar chalegi.
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