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Blog Entry# 1909330
Posted: Jun 27 2016 (22:20)

26 Responses
Last Response: Jun 28 2016 (17:17)
General Travel

Jun 27 2016 (22:20)   15661/Ranchi - Kamakhya Weekly Express (PT) | SNT/Sainthia Junction (5 PFs)
Anupam Enosh Sarkar^~
Anupam Enosh Sarkar^~   32881 blog posts
Entry# 1909330            Tags   Past Edits
My train 15661 Ranchi-Kamakhya Express at Sainthia
Pic 1. Quadruple tracks at Sainthia east outer, two from hwh side, and two on left from Siuri side.
Pic 2. Entering Platform. Note there is no OHE below bridge above tracks.
Pic 3. Some boards on OHE indicating 'raise pantograph'.
4. Howrah end view.
Pic 5. Board on OHE indicating 'Lower pantograph'
Pic 6. West side of sainthia.

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Jun 28 2016 (13:59)
TheMadrasMail~   6349 blog posts
Re# 1909330-22              
The OHE portion is disconnected. You can see in pic 3 that there is a cable from the OHE wire to the three wires above. After that connection, the OHE wire terminates at the bridge. In pic 4, the OHE wire ( the one that contacts the pantograph) is terminating at the bridge. Basically, on both sides of the bridge, a small portion of the OHE is neutral. And the three wires passing under the bridge sort of bypass the neutral section and connect the OHE on both sides of the bridge.
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Jun 28 2016 (15:01)
Vinay Kumar   23030 blog posts
Re# 1909330-23              
Yes, its not gonna raise cz if it has to, it would hav gt done b4 electrification, as FOB crosses complete Junction, nt just PF!!
The series whch pass-thru direct below bridge is the one kept AC flow live, while Bridge attachment is to offer wire alignment @ mid for the side wires to take over later on!!
I guess, the Jn will b kept @ PSR & pass-thru train will surely lower the panto while enter station premise n will raise whn cross premise (starter)..while stoppage train will lower the same while
entering station premise, as mostly Loco applies brake to adjust speed to retain stoppage @ proper point in even gradient & non-heavy junction points!! Stopping freight may would work like lower back panto n raise front, with quite less speed or stop even!!

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Jun 28 2016 (15:32)
Anupam Enosh Sarkar^~   32881 blog posts
Re# 1909330-24               Past Edits
That's what I said from the beginning. :)
BTW that's ROB & not station FOB.
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Jun 28 2016 (15:36)
Anupam Enosh Sarkar^~   32881 blog posts
Re# 1909330-25               Past Edits
I don't think its neutral at any point, as in pic 4, the wires are alligned to the bridge, with the help of an insulator,
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Jun 28 2016 (17:17)
TheMadrasMail~   6349 blog posts
Re# 1909330-26              
In pic 3, you can see that just before the OHE pole with the 'Rise Pantograph' sign, there are a few criss-cross connections on the catenary. Usually such connections are done just before neutral or dead sections where the subsequent section of wire is insulated from the previous section.( In pic 5, you can see this from the other side). The OHE carries power till this pole, and there, it switches to the 3 cables to go to the other side of the bridge. The short section from this OHE pole till the bridge is insulated and separated from the remaining part. It is present to give mechanical continuity to the pantograph.
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