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Blog Entry# 1970348
Posted: Aug 23 2016 (11:42)

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General Travel

Aug 23 2016 (11:42)   12301/Howrah - New Delhi Rajdhani Express (Via Gaya) | CNB/Kanpur Central (10 PFs)
MSERVEALL~   1180 blog posts
Entry# 1970348            Tags  
Suresh Prabhu Ministry of Railways - India {{{ in face book }}} today at 11.40 a.m.
travelled on 21 aug ., ex kanpur to howf in 12301 {tkt ndls hwh } in 1st a.c. coach h/2 cabin c .
for dinner requested fish ., not available .
** in morning for tea requested '' lemon'' reply not available
** after durgapur '' customary for tips '' the pantry staff come with ''lemon pcs stating its his personal supply'' i.e. from his own home !!!
** i then called in ''superintendent'' .
** when all pantry staff gets food supply ., then do staff carry lime etc from their home ???
** on being enquired ''superintendent'' confirmed lime is supplied in pantry .
** even request in 2/ac ., 3/ac for lime some time supplied ., but this behave in 1st a.c. is peculiar .
'' hog engines food for environment ''
but need some more synchronisation since while train due speed & velocity able change tracks ., the pantogram change wire joints ., but for passengers '' chargers / lap top connection goes off and/or cabin a.c. goes down and/or pums / gysor in 1st a.c. do not work properly and water pressure reduces in toilets
for ''hog system'' ., some need based synchronisation required sir .

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