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Blog Entry# 2296146
Posted: May 28 2017 (02:19)

9 Responses
Last Response: May 23 2018 (10:24)
General Travel

May 28 2017 (02:19)   AGTL/Agartala (3 PFs)
Swarup Kr Das
Swarup Kr Das   3 blog posts
Entry# 2296146            Tags   Past Edits
My name is Swarup Kr. Das & this is my 1st blog in this website. From not being a professional blogger to a Masters student from Tripura University, that is what my current occupation is, very well, now let me come to my point of this writing, its all about my trip from Agartala to Silchar through Indian Railways (choose your debut program depending on the environment and behaviour.)
INDIAN RAILWAYS has been the lifeline of our nation, carrying passengers and goods for over the last 150 years, the service as I
should say has full of optimism and tranquility, as comparing to the other countries, this Public transportation has the world's 4th largest connectivity (distance covered by tracks)
I belong from a very small city of this huge nation, a capital which may sound new to millions of people, (as because the sons and daughters which my motherland had reproduced mainly consists of solid illiterates), if one asks them do you know Tripura? Strange reply's comes out, "Oh its is Assam na!!! Oh Tripura its in Bangladesh I think so!!!" LOL LOL & LOL......... I am turning things boring for you people, so I belong from Agartala the capital city of Tripura of Northeast India (if you have problem locating please google it). Since I am writing on an Indian Railway page its better to utter some fact regarding it, India's first capital city after Independence where railway connectivity had entered is AGARTALA (back in 2008)
The station is enormous, huge and is treated as one of the iconic stations of India as it is the replica of 'Ujjayanta Palace' which is a museum and former royal palace of Tripura (princely state) situated in Agartala.
The journey commenced from Agartala Railway station at 11:00 IST, the train wasn't upto the mark and I intentionally had not done any reservations just to experience the ₹50 ticket tour, take my words never ever perform such stunts in your life on a hot humid climate, so as my mission of expectation failed the train reached in due time leaving myself in some kind of a tiredness and drowsiness, but its said 'all's well that ends well'. Reaching Silchar I reached my hotel in 15 minutes and it was a quite hell of tour in the ideal transportation carrier of my Nation.

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Oct 16 2017 (08:36)
TAGEERUANUBHARADWAJ^   15613 blog posts
Re# 2296146-9              
Welcome to IRI bro. :) We are happy to help at anytime. Spend with IRI and learn new things on INDIANRAILWAYS.
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Nov 19 2017 (18:27)
~   4532 blog posts
Re# 2296146-10              
A warm welcome to you,Sir.... IRI 🚂 mein aapka swagat hai 🙏🙏🙏
Your Debut Blog is Awesome.. 😊
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May 23 2018 (10:24)
Swarup Kr Das   3 blog posts
Re# 2296146-11               Past Edits
Thank you.
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