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Blog Entry# 2396646
Posted: Sep 01 2017 (20:03)

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Rail Fanning

Sep 01 2017 (20:03)   20803/Visakhapatnam - Gandhidham SF Express | BPQ/Balharshah (5 PFs) | ET/WAP-4/22925
Railfan_from_CD~   1046 blog posts
Entry# 2396646            Tags   Past Edits
Today morning clicks from BPQ railway station. Many locomotive WAGs with goods train were standing at station. The station was seen clean may be due to Swachata Parakhwada.
22925 WAP4 ET was hauling VSHP-GIMB express. #offlink Not common as always the Loco from LGD, RPM or BRC use to haul it.
As always the train was empty with very less
crowd in GS bogies. As the time table is it departs BPQ at 08:20 am and reaches WR at 11:07 am .
Means almost 3 hours for 132km without halts , so if we see then WR-BPQ passenger cover same distance in 3 hour 40 mins with 15 halts & almost 3-4 train crossings.
So the halts of this train should be increased in Maharashtra to fill the 7 generals bogies it have .

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