महाकाव्य यात्रा: गीतांजलि एक्सप्रेस, भारत के दो छोर को जोड़ते हुए - Krish Patil

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Blog Entry# 3081977
Posted: Feb 07 2018 (23:15)

5 Responses
Last Response: Feb 08 2018 (13:51)
Rail Fanning

Feb 07 2018 (23:15)   BAY/Ballari Junction (Bellary) (4 PFs)
SingleTraveller^~   3276 blog posts
Entry# 3081977            Tags   Past Edits
1 compliments
Very nice to see such developments
When returning from Gangavathi, I came to Ballari. I was surprised to see the station being painted afresh. Also some floral decoration and carpet, potted plants. Seems some function took place that day. Then I learnt it was GM inspection. Also inauguration of the renovated station.
The station building is of British era. The PF 1 is in a enclosure. That structure is left as it is but other modern renovations have happened like new granite flooring. TBs. FoB, Roofing.etc. But what caught my eye was the paintings of Rajdhani livery WAP
1. The famous Stone Chariot of Hampi. TB Dam etc... But to me the best was the painting of the front facade of the station itself.
Also the front entrance had intricate wooden carving, which I forgot to click.
The station now sports an ancient look with good modern facilities. Pretty good work by UBL division - known only to renovate UBL.

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Feb 08 2018 (13:05)
CoringaExpress~   5191 blog posts
Re# 3081977-1              
A new dress worn for the Royal Ancient building! Had many memories since my childhood with this station and its premises. Would experience a royal feel whenever our car enters the IN drive way, then the portico (entry now restricted), and leaves through the OUT drive way when it comes for pick-up and drop like a chariot entering the royal palace. The enclosed PF 1 which is of the first of its kind for me would leave me awestruck ! Playing hide & seek with cousins while waiting for the 17228 which used to be generally late by an hour, witnessing the Loco reversal of HPT SBC passenger and many more.. And now it has been nearly a decade I suppose since I boarded a train from BAY.
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Feb 08 2018 (13:17)
SingleTraveller^~   3276 blog posts
Re# 3081977-2              
Things are still quaint (less passenger trains :) ) and a nice place to wait. Except for the Freights.... so many ... keep coming on and on.....
They have a separate ticket terminal outside the building. But inside the old building itself all the newly renovated rooms like AC waiting room and other rooms and few refreshment stalls have been accommodated.
Cars are allowed to be parked outside the portico now till the passengers get out. No shouting and shooing like in big stations. City buses make frequent trips till that
portico, so no need to walk till the main road.
Has a cool drinking water kiosk donated by someone, so the new water point we see recently at many stations, has closed up :)
Only if they ran a few trains. Or built a few pitlines......
This time UBL has got money for building OEM facilities for 7 stations - I guess this too will be one of them.

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Feb 08 2018 (13:21)
CoringaExpress~   5191 blog posts
Re# 3081977-3              
OEM facilities like ? and whats the amount granted ?
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Feb 08 2018 (13:34)
SingleTraveller^~   3276 blog posts
Re# 3081977-4              
Sorry. Other end examination.maintenance.
No. 383.
Ref: /blog/post/3076796
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Feb 08 2018 (13:51)
TheMadrasMail~   6349 blog posts
Re# 3081977-5               Past Edits
Excellent snaps sir! Evokes a real sense of Nostalgia!
I had never properly observed the BG side of the station, but the British era architecture was always very fascinating. It was a very humbling feeling traveling on an MG train and entering into the station, seeing the BG train go under the arch and the MG relegated to a platform in the side. Hope to see good times ahead for this station!
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