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Blog Entry# 3130552
Posted: Feb 21 2018 (18:05)
12 Responses
Last Response: Feb 21 2018 (22:44)
12 Responses
Last Response: Feb 21 2018 (22:44)
7 Posts
It would be better if all #tlmonitor are on same page. Some tells that that writing Facebook or Twitter is more than sufficient as source but some like you need full source. Not sure whom to follow moreover many #tlmonitor are confirming their OWN timeline posts which would NOT always 100% correct.
Feb 16 2018 (23:45)
moderator*^~ 5793 blog posts 20 correct pred (57% accurate)
Re# 3113324-3 Reply Actions Tags Past Edits
@3113324-2 @KING KOHLI^~
moderator*^~ 5793 blog posts 20 correct pred (57% accurate)
Re# 3113324-3 Reply Actions Tags Past Edits
@3113324-2 @KING KOHLI^~
It's clear message from #moderator sir however how many #tlmonitor follows the same when they post someone's pic or info. Are they give credit to the owner?? No they don't simply they post approve themselves. Once in blue moon some other senior TL change the status as fix it else it will be as it is.