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Blog Entry# 3163204
Posted: Mar 02 2018 (18:22)

3 Responses
Last Response: Mar 03 2018 (23:56)
Rail Fanning

Mar 02 2018 (18:22)   12392/Shramjeevi SF Express (PT) | NLD/Nalanda (2 PFs) | GZB/WAP-4/22707
Tapaswini_Orrisa_queen~   1874 blog posts
Entry# 3163204            Tags   Past Edits
#Electrification Rajgir Patna GZB wap4 visited The place which inlightening the world from oldest time of history Nālandā the name of an ancient center of higher learning in Bihar, India. The site of Nalanda is located in the Indian state of Bihar, about 55 miles south east of Patna, and was a Buddhist center of learning from 427 to 1197 CE. It has been called “one of the first great universities in recorded history. Some buildings were constructed by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka the Great (i.e. Raja Asoka: 273–232 BCE) which is an indication of an early establishment of the Buddhist learning center Nalanda, gets the Electric train in 2018. The Shramjeevi Express reaches with 4 hrs delay. #happyholi with Red, blue green and a pond of water gifted to dear brothers of our site.
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2 Public Posts - Fri Mar 02, 2018


Mar 03 2018 (23:56)
Tapaswini_Orrisa_queen~   1874 blog posts
Re# 3163204-4              
On tour 2 times! Or natives. I have travelled a lot in diesel times, even after electrification the speed remains the same, track need up gradation otherwise just electrification gives not much effect, after Gaya Rajgir electrification, they may start memu emu etc.
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