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Blog Entry# 4393571
Posted: Aug 02 2019 (20:07)
16 Responses
Last Response: Oct 25 2020 (15:30)
16 Responses
Last Response: Oct 25 2020 (15:30)
Aug 02 2019 (20:07) 12842/Coromandel Express (PT) | RMJ/Ramrajatala (4 PFs) | SRC/WAP-4/22825
Somanko_ELST^~ 38832 blog postsHello Everyone.
Here is my latest RF blog.
Picture 1 to 6 captured on 31/07/2019
Pictures 7 to 18 captured on 02/08/2019
Here is my latest RF blog.
Picture 1 to 6 captured on 31/07/2019
Pictures 7 to 18 captured on 02/08/2019
11 Posts
ZBTT Halts of Coro at BHC, JJKR, TDP, EE & OGL to be removed
as for 12839/40, still not known
as for 12839/40, still not known
In ZBTT of SCR nothing mentioned about removal of stops about coro. Can you provide official note? I think whatever you mentioned is your wish it seems. You can see SCR ZBTT before spreading gossips.
I am also waiting for ECOR ZBTT documents to see the stop removals in ECOR, but ECOR Documents not available anywhere. If u get please post here