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Blog Entry# 6289792
Posted: Nov 23 2024 (19:31)

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SER/South Eastern
Nov 23 2024 (19:31)   Northeast Frontier Railway Strengthens Winter Safety Measures

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Entry# 6289792         Tags   Past Edits
Indian Railway News: শীতকালে সতর্কতামূলক ব্যবস্থা! বিশেষ পদক্ষেপ উত্তর-পূর্ব সীমান্ত রেলওয়ের

Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) is implementing proactive measures to ensure safe and efficient train operations during winter and foggy conditions. These measures include thorough inspection and lubrication of rail joints, stress-relieving of LWR/CWR to prevent rail and weld failures in low temperatures, and identification of RF/WF-prone areas. GPS-enabled...
monitoring is being strengthened for precise track condition surveillance. Advanced FogPASS devices are being deployed to aid train drivers with real-time navigation in low visibility. Rigorous inspections of train roofs, under-gear equipment, locomotives, and rolling stock are being conducted using advanced technology for early defect detection. Track monitoring and maintenance are prioritized using ultrasonic flaw detection and modern techniques. Signaling systems are upgraded for seamless communication and operational reliability. Emergency preparedness is strengthened through specialized training and regular mock drills for frontline staff. NFR has implemented a robust feedback mechanism to monitor progress and ensure adherence to Railway Board guidelines.

Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) winter aur fog ke samay safe aur efficient train operations ke liye proactive measures le raha hai. Ismein rail joints ki thorough inspection aur lubrication, low temperature mein rail aur weld failures ko rokne ke liye LWR/CWR ka stress-relieving, aur RF/WF-prone areas ki pehchaan...
shamil hai. Precise track condition surveillance ke liye GPS-enabled monitoring ko strong kiya ja raha hai. Low visibility mein train drivers ki help ke liye Advanced FogPASS devices deploy kiye ja rahe hain. Advanced technology ke saath train roofs, under-gear equipment, locomotives, aur rolling stock ki strict inspections ki ja rahi hain. Ultrasonic flaw detection aur modern techniques ke saath track monitoring aur maintenance ko priority diya ja raha hai. Seamless communication aur operational reliability ke liye signaling systems ko upgrade kiya ja raha hai. Frontline staff ke liye special training aur regular mock drills ke through emergency preparedness ko strong kiya ja raha hai. NFR progress monitor karne aur Railway Board guidelines follow karne ke liye ek strong feedback mechanism implement kiya hai.
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