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Blog Entry# 6310134
Posted: Dec 05 2024 (15:32)

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Train Tip

Dec 05 2024 (15:32)   12781/Mysuru - Hazrat Nizamuddin Swarna Jayanti SF Express (PT)
SpeedManiac~   667 blog posts
Entry# 6310134            Tags   Past Edits
Hello Team, Had the good fortune of travelling with this train, (please check Entry# 6276139, for further details!!) I am back with another trip report of this train. Would like to review this train on the parameters of Safety, Security and Punctuality – the moto of railways!! Let’s begin!!

Class of Travel: 3A
Origin Station: Manmad [MMR]
Station: Hazrat Nizamuddin [NZM]
Day of Travel: Saturday, November 16, 2024

Safety & Security-
I would like to rate this train at par, with all other superfast expresses on the line. So, no specific comments!!

Punctuality: -
This is where this train literally outshines, all the major expresses on this line. I would like to place it ahead of 12617 Mangla Lakshwadeep and 12779 Goa Exp. On the day of my journey, the train was heavily delayed between Hasan (HAS) and Davangere (DVG), by up to 1 hour 30 mins to 2 hours, yet not only did this train manage to reach and depart PUNE by a mere delay of 15 mins but was before of its scheduled time between Ahmednagar (ANG) and Manmad (MMR), by upto 5 mins!! Infact, this winning streak continued and the train, had arrived before time at MMR outer and was made to wait at the yard!! This is something, which is rare to me, and the loco pilot, certainly had my respect!! Kudos to him/her!! What a ruun!! So, yes while travelling by this train, one can be rest assured, that this train is baang on time!! Unless something uncontrollable happens, the max amount of delay on this train will be max at 15 mins!! That too, also on a stretch!! It is therefore, strongly recommended to assume that this train, will be never late!! The passenger must be ahead of the scheduled time of the train at the origin station - assuming he/she DOES NOT WANT to miss the train!!

Well!! - All that I could say here is - welcome to kingdom of wappies!! The P7 is a true monster of a loco!! I feel the pilot, just intentionally let loose of the wappie - it made 0 to 100 km/h, look like a joke!!, coming in at approx 5 to 7 seconds!!.... for the entire 21 coach beauty!! The wappie literally begged to be pushed for more!! The train keeps hitting its MPS almost all the times!!! 130 seems to be a breeze!! This train is a treat for speed maniacs like me!! The newly added LHB rakes inform you, why they are notch above the ICF rakes, the braking is effortless, less noisy, absolutely jerk-free. Similar scenario exists in case of picking up speed. One can know, that the train is braking, slowing down, but one will not feel the sudden jerks, as we used to feel with the ICF coaches!! Awesome feeling!! Long live LHB!! Well deserved, late received!!

Final Verdict!!
At the outset, trust this train with your eyes closed!! Be on your guard and reach the origin station on time!! THIS TRAIN IS SELDOM DELAYED max being 15 mins!! If departing MMR on a Saturday, in the afternoon / evening session and heading towards Delhi, the only train that I would rate to be better than this would be 12617 - Mangla Lakshadweep, else this train wins hands down to be the best train on the route. Be it, cleanliness, speed punctuality, this is the best train to board!! With 2 and half AC2 tier and 5 3tier coaches, accommodation should not be an issue!!

As a closing thought, listed below is my picking style: -
1. 12617
2. 12781

Once again thanks a ton for actually going through the review!!
Thoughts, queries and comments are most welcome!!

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