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Blog Entry# 6326160
Posted: Dec 13 2024 (22:28)

6 Responses
Last Response: Dec 15 2024 (07:00)
General Travel

Dec 13 2024 (22:28)   12785/Kacheguda - Mysuru SF Express (PT)
Siddharth S^~
Siddharth S^~   23614 blog posts
Entry# 6326160            Tags  
5 compliments
_/\_ Great Great Great Great
The compartment was completely dark , with lights switched off and berths laid . The coach rocked and swayed , as the train picked up speed. The late evening breeze of winter swayed through the air , the nostrils and ear lids and sent out a gentle tear. It wasn't the piercing cold winds of December , but a gentle pleasant breeze

The fans whirred around , trying to match the sound with the sound of the train. We were gearing to make up the time, we lost in the recent few
kilometres. A long distance biweekly , from a one state distant neighbour , but passing through all southern states and a union territory region , had made us pass through a loop line . Then a swanky new kid of the block made us wait on a mainline while he trotted in a loop behind the freight .

The 6000hp locomotive had ensured out 1st 88 kms were covered in 65 mins. The next 17 in 12 . And then the perils of the non doubled section started
Regular slowdowns , TSR and the next 100 kms seemed like ages . It had taken almost 1 hr 45 mins for 100 . And just before approaching , had a slow down for a long bridge across the Krishna , the water trickling around in the darkness in a single line across the wast plain .

The delay was close to 40 mins as we exited the next station , 181 kms from our source . And then gave a exit , that the next 50 kms were to be rocked apart, but then , the next curved , a double amber tore the darkness. It would be followed by a red soon , and quickly by another white !!!

The white crossed the red and accelerated past is, with the "75" biweekly to North West crossing the "85" moment . A quick start later , and we tore through the greens giving us company .

The moonlight night was beautiful from the dark confines of the coach. The moon wasn't visible but the light was sufficient to check the fields that bathed in them . The rocketing of the ICF coaches , the changing of the rails , a music to ears , but not enough to send me to sleep yet .

My mind raced back to the 85 journeys !!! It has been 7 years of travel by this , but still holds an emotional place . The name strikes a chord somewhere in the subconscious memory power . Had used it many times between 1990 till date , but infrequently, but an emotional attachment stayed . For it was the train that transferred me between the cities for 2 transfers at young age , and both cities now being dear to me .

The train isn't the same. There are no double headed chuggers hauling it , it is a single white stallion at the helm. It is in last stage of ICF days . The partial doubling ensured it isn't a late latif anymore . And more than nothing , it is running till Mysore and not terminating at Bangalore !!!

The clanking of the wheels bought me back to the present , as the loco light was seen at almost a right angle . A green , followed by a series of red lines up across and a single green in between them reminding me of " ik dulhan ke maathe ki Bindiya" !!! The lines spread across as Alampur road station was soon crossed by

Thadakathdeem thadakathdeem thadakatheem thakadatheem sound soon echoed as the Tungabhadra bridge was despatched soon and a main line entry followed into Kurnool Town , reminding me of the twin alcos chugging into this town , in 2019 !!! Yes it was 2019 and not 2017, my previous journey by this , declared myself proudly , as I proceeded to my MB for my sleep

85 proceeded in the moon lit night !!!!

Thanks for reading !!! Just a different attempt

Comments welcome !!

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Dec 14 2024 (10:55)
SCRrailfan~   428 blog posts
Re# 6326160-3              
How Was The Maintaince Of Train
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Dec 14 2024 (21:50)
Siddharth S^~   23614 blog posts
Re# 6326160-4              
Not the old KCG maintainence . It has become bad now .
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Dec 14 2024 (22:22)
SCRrailfan~   428 blog posts
Re# 6326160-6              
Oh,I See,Only Venkatadri Is Getting Good Maintenance At KCG CDO
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Dec 14 2024 (22:50)
SCRGodavariExpress~   4184 blog posts
Re# 6326160-8              
Looks like only LHB rakes are begetting proper attention. Rest all must be getting ignored. Even I also heard 12785 maintenance is not great now a days.
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Dec 15 2024 (07:00)
deepak.yerr~   7016 blog posts
Re# 6326160-9              
1 compliments
Even LHB rakes are not getting proper attention. I faced one or another in all my LHB journies in 2024
1. In March 12861 the 3AC berth is hard without sufficient cushion and not to tell about pillow quality
2. In Aug 12740 new 3ACE water didn't come in washroom, leaking taps, blocking washbasins near door, in one coach water even came out from washroom to common area
12803 swarnajayanti water taps replaced with adjustments like flexible hose with taps as they broke, SL coaches of 2019 wobbling with high sound at 130kmph.

Maintainance has come down at lot in IR across zones but found better in GS Simhadri ICF.

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