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Blog Entry# 6337890
Posted: Dec 19 2024 (22:53)

8 Responses
Last Response: Jan 12 (13:55)
Rail Fanning

Dec 19 2024 (22:53)   22606/Tirunelveli - Purulia SF Express (PT) | TPJ/Tiruchchirappalli Junction (9 PFs) | GOC/WDG-4/12631
20665NellaiVandeBharat^~   12855 blog posts
Entry# 6337890            Tags   Past Edits
16 compliments
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great
A unique "piggy-back" arrangement on a fully electric section!!

⚡WAP 4 + WDG 4 ⚡

AJJ WAP-4 #22527 + GOC WDG-4 #12631 (dead) in a nice blue livery.

The EMD was most probably in transit !!

This was captured at Tiruchirapalli Junction on 2nd Nov 2024; these locos had come with 06729- Thanjavur Trichy Passenger, whose Train Board I captured as well.

On the adjacent platform was the 22605 - Purulia Tirunelveli SF Weekly; it had arrived more than 20 minutes ahead of schedule, attached it's train board as well !!

PS: I wasn't able to capture more pics of the locos as I was in a confused rush running between platforms 4-7; searching for my 16752-Boat Mail, as WIMT had said the train had arrived 35 mins BT (2225 hrs) at TPJ, however the train actually arrived at 2250 hrs.😂

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Jan 10 (14:27)
kirk781^~   5415 blog posts
Re# 6337890-8              
1 compliments
Once, WIMT marked ANVT-LJN DD as reached at LJN. The thing was I had jumped from that train from my allotted seat at Alamnagar [last station before LKO/LJN] and boarded ANVT-DNR Express because I knew NER won't take DD in until LJN-CDG goes away. So, as expected ANVT-DNR moved first and reached in 15 mins. Nowhere, did the DD overtook us and neither there were split tracks, still the app showed that DD reached the destination before Jan Sadharan Express. Though it was rectified the next day. The difference: 1 + hrs.
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Jan 11 (13:44)
thedemigod   493 blog posts
Re# 6337890-10              
3 compliments
Agree Agree Agree
That's not the only issue, sometimes trips get stuck in WIMT. So even though your train is few hundred kms ahead, it'll show it as 'last updated x hours ago'.

This is the reason while during actual travel I prefer NTES, and only after being confirmed about the authenticity of WIMT data, I use it for precision tracking.
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Jan 11 (18:13)
kirk781^~   5415 blog posts
Re# 6337890-12              
1 compliments
Agree:NTES is comparatively more reliable
I use to only use Ntes before but sometimes surprisingly, data is slowly updated there and one doesn't know if a train is stuck between stations or not. But yes, atleast NTES won't fake data.
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Jan 12 (05:25)
BRO_I_DONT_CARE^~   5813 blog posts
Re# 6337890-14               Past Edits
2 compliments
Agree Useful
Perhaps someone about to board that train might have activated their GPS on the platform before the train arrived, which could have caused a misleading location.
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Jan 12 (13:55)
thedemigod   493 blog posts
Re# 6337890-16              
1 compliments
Yeah, that's a possibility. But the train was moving with it's own schedule on WIMT. Nowadays most of the people use WIMT, so possibilities of it acting erratic due to a random person is quite thin.

And even if you try to switch to GPS mode, the app doesn't allow you to, I'm attaching a screenshot of the same.
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