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Blog Entry# 816345
Posted: Jul 28 2013 (14:50)

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Jul 28 2013 (14:50)   12618/Mangala Lakshadweep Express (PT) | NZM/Hazrat Nizamuddin (9 PFs)
PankajMishra^~   60598 blog posts
Entry# 816345            Tags  
Jayanti janata express train to connect major town was started by sri Lalit narayan Mishra .ON Jan. 26,1973 Jayanti Janata Express introduced between New Delhi and Ernakulam/Mangalore, the first "classless" (all coaches second-class) train.Now this train is known as Kerala Mangla lakshdeep express .some more details
-Brief history of this train and its ancestors:

Started in early 1973 as Jayanti Janata Express from
Nizamuddin to
Mangalore and Cochin, with split at Shoranur. Initially did not run on
all days. Had only 2nd class.
For some time it was starting from New Delhi
It was the only train between Delhi and Kerala until the Kerala
Express started in 1977 or so.
By the late 80s it had acquired FC and AC-2 coaches and was named
Mangala Express by then.
Was diverted via the Konkan route in the late 90s. Now it ran via
Mangalore to Ernakulam. The Lakshwadeep tag came around the same time
as it allegedly serves these islands


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