Purulia Express: লালপাহাড়ীর দ‍্যাশে যাবি? চিন্তা কিসের লো? বিকাল বেলা হাওড়া থেকে পুরুল্যা এক্সপেরেস পাবি। - Dip

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Blog Entry# 902401
Posted: Nov 10 2013 (20:52)

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Nov 10 2013 (20:52)   12251/Wainganga SF Express | KCG/Kacheguda (5 PFs)
Sudarshan~   7225 blog posts
Entry# 902401            Tags   Past Edits
Want to travel from YPR to KCG, Kacheguda ? And the availability shows "NOT AVBL". Don't worry. There is no WL upto KCG in this train. Either you have tickets confirmed or no availability. In 99 out of 100 cases, you can book it in Current Reservation at YPR since either the GN quota or the CK quota or any other quota would not be completely sold out. In a very very rare instance, I could not get a ticket in current reservation only once in the last 2 years. That was for only a trip during the Navaratri 2013.
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