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Blog Entry# 908317
Posted: Nov 16 2013 (17:30)

16 Responses
Last Response: Dec 02 2013 (01:04)
Info Update

Nov 16 2013 (17:30)  
ananddwivedi~   6622 blog posts
Entry# 908317              
eWALLET is a scheme under which user can deposit money in advance with IRCTC and can be used as
payment option along with other payment options available on IRCTC for paying money at the time of booking
scheme provides following advantages:
Hassle free and secure 1. transactions.
2. Precious booking time saved by eliminating payment approval cycle.
3. Benefit of saving Payment Gateway charges per ticket.
4. Manage account online and top up online.
Dependency on a specific bank is reduced, as when any of the provided banks go offline, you can still
book tickets from your eWALLET account.
Salient features of eWALLET are:
User Authentication: IRCTC eWALLET users will be verified and authenticated through their PAN card
number in an Online Verification Process.
Secured Access: IRCTC offers secure booking through eWALLET by providing Transaction Password/
PIN Number that is required to be entered for every booking done through eWALLET.
Complete History: User is provided with a separate link namely eWALLET that offers eWALLET
Transaction history, eWALLET payment History & change transaction password options.
Easy Refund: In case of ticket cancellation, the due refund will be credited to your eWALLET Account
next day.
7 Easy steps to register and book ticket through eWALLET:
1. Login to IRCTC with your existing IRCTC user id and password.
2. Click the "eWALLET Registration" link under eWALLET Section in the "Plan my travel" page.
3. Complete Verification process by providing PAN CARD No. and other details.
Deposit one time registration fee of Rs.250/-(inclusive of Service Tax and Education CESS on Service
Tax,non refundable) online with any of the available payment options.
5. Membership fee and Redemption is subject to change at the discretion of IRCTC.
Credit the eWALLET account with the minimum deposit of Rs.100/- and top up with the required booking
amount. Maximum amount permitted in user's account is Rs. 5,000.
Pay ticket booking amount through eWALLET which is displayed as payment option along with other
Please note: eWALLET facility will not be available from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
click here

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11 Posts


Nov 16 2013 (23:42)
ananddwivedi~   6622 blog posts
Re# 908317-12              
Mjhe pta hai Sir But ye new rule hai modefied hone me time lagega
But Normal quota me bi bhut bar transaction Failed hota hai ya bhut time leta hai jiske karan bhut problem hoti hai jisse bacha ja sakta hai is scheme se
waise Bi "Five fingers are no equal"
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Nov 16 2013 (23:46)
PankajMishra^~   60598 blog posts
Re# 908317-13              
meine kaha hai ki ARP aur tatkal ke liye usefull nahi hai lekin baki ke time use ful hai
isse hum 250 ki ghus bhi kah sakte hai
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Nov 17 2013 (01:49)
Jayesh Varma   41 blog posts
Re# 908317-14              
not useful
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Nov 17 2013 (22:58)
ananddwivedi~   6622 blog posts
Re# 908317-15              
Useful But wait For Some days May be its service operate on tatkal Time
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Dec 02 2013 (01:04)
Vijay Goyal   71 blog posts
Re# 908317-16              
Concern offices
Ministry of Railways
Govt. of India
Railway has started E valet facility. for availing this facility railway is charging Rs250/- plus service tax12.36% Rs.30.90 total 280.90 which is non
refundable . instead of this railway have to takes minimum 250/- as deposit which is only adjusted towards purchase of railway ticket only. by doing this railway can get approx. Rs.500 crors Interest free deposit. Railway have to think in this regard. and its use timing should be Round the clock. at present during .8:00Am to 12:00PM e-ticket purchase through e-wallet is not allowed.
If this is not done than Railway is indirectly giving benefit to Banks & Other cash card agency (they are charging additional transaction fee for reservation booking). And matter should be investigated through CBI to know the racket Behind this thought
If more the passenger are registered with Railway e-wallet facility load on reservation site is also reduced. and passenger can also get credit back refund instantly in their account on cancellation of wait list or Confirm tickets on which now these days refund received in account in 3-7 days.

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