While searching for KTE-ADI trains, Train No. 19414 is not showing. However Train No. 19413 is showing when ADI-KTE trains are searched.
19045/Tapti Ganga Express
PF 2/3 of Surat will be closed from 7 Dec to 14 March ie 98 Days Total 83 Trains Halt Shifted from Surat To Udhna . Premium Trains Like VB, Shatabdi,Rajdhani, Tejas will Halt at Surat only all orignating trains will shift Other terminals like Udhna
19045/Tapti Ganga Express
PF 2/3 of Surat will be closed from 7 Dec to 14 March ie 98 Days Total 83 Trains Halt Shifted from Surat To Udhna . Premium Trains Like VB, Shatabdi,Rajdhani, Tejas will Halt at Surat only all orignating trains will shift Other terminals like Udhna
Now Vande Bharat Express will go directly from Delhi to Kashmir, Vande Bharat sleeper train will pass through the world's highest bridge.New Delhi to SrinagarStarting 26 January 2025✔ AC 3 tier will have 11 coaches, AC 2 tier will have 4 coaches, and AC will be 1 coach of first class.Departure from New Delhi at 7:00 pm possible timeWill reach Srinagar at 8:00 am800 km done in less than 13 hoursStop: Ambala, Ludhiana, Jammu Tavi, and KatraPotential rentals:3AC: Almost 2,0002AC: Almost 2,500AC First Class: Almost 3,000#VandeBharatExpress #proudmoment #fb #post #viralpost
नए साल में नई दिल्ली से श्रीनगर तक जाएगी राजधानी एक्सप्रेस
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