Mon Feb 10 09:04:08 IST
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SBC - Kranti Veera Sangolli Rayanna Bengaluru: Station in Garden - Dinesh Kumar Availability Calendar
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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 47178/Tellapur - Umdanagar MMTS 47159/Telapur - Umdanagar MMTS
Shortest Route: 30 Stations. 54 km.
Train: 29 Stations. 54 km. Train follows the Shortest Route between Telapur Junction and Umdanagar.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 29 Stations Km TLPR 0.0 LPI 3.6 CDNR 5.38 HFZ 8.84 HTCY 11.76 BRBD 14.66 CSTN 16.27 BTNR 17.0 SNF 17.81 FNB 19.56 NCHS 20.71 BMT 21.81 XX-SJVB 22.87 SJVP 23.86 JET 25.02 14 stations SC 26.68 STPD 28.79 ATC 29.88 JOO 30.61 VAR 31.92 KCG 33.83 MXT 35.46 DQR 36.67 YKA 37.46 HPG 39.83 FM 41.12 NSVP 45.86 BDVL 47.78 12 stations UR 54.29
Hide/Show Train Stations 47159/Telapur - Umdanagar ... 29 Stations Km TLPR 0.0 LPI 3.6 CDNR 5.38 HFZ 8.84 HTCY 11.76 BRBD 14.66 CSTN 16.27 1 stations BTNR 17.0 SNF 17.81 1 stations FNB 19.56 NCHS 20.71 BMT 21.81 XX-SJVB 22.87 1 stations SJVP 23.86 JET 25.02 SC 26.68 STPD 28.79 ATC 29.88 JOO 30.61 VAR 31.92 KCG 33.83 MXT 35.46 DQR 36.67 YKA 37.46 HPG 39.83 FM 41.12 NSVP 45.86 BDVL 47.78 UR 54.29
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