Sun Feb 9 09:59:01 IST
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RailFans don't miss their train. Why? Because they go to the station HOURS before the actual departure of their Train - to watch OTHER trains depart. - Prince Maan Availability Calendar
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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 09208/Bhavnagar Terminus - Bandra Terminus Special Fare Special 22964/Bhavnagar Terminus - Bandra Terminus Weekly SF Express 12972/Bhavnagar Terminus - Bandra Terminus SF Express
Shortest Route: 152 Stations. 748 km.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 151 Stations Km BVC 0.0 BVP 2.75 NROD 6.8 VTJ 9.93 KDMR 15.17 4 stations SOJN 20.49 MTSK 24.42 SGD 27.95 BJUD 33.91 SOA 38.23 4 stations DLJ 49.4 UJ 59.66 ALMR 66.22 NGA 74.01 LTD 81.22 4 stations BTD 92.27 ALAU 96.72 SAPR 102.37 JIL 109.42 CDV 116.64 BNH 122.12 TID 128.91 DCK 139.13 RY 146.52 DIBL 150.96 HLB 159.23 LO 164.09 LHBK 171.51 AEJ 177.11 KTGD 183.18 GS 192.65 DOK 201.54 SJD 210.27 VLA 215.05 MQA 222.08 MORA 228.9 SNTL 233.89 SEJ 237.45 VTP 241.38 GG 247.51 SBID 257.58 KLRD 258.49 26 stations SBI 261.1 SBIB 261.1 SBTA 263.01 2 stations ADI 266.7 KKF 268.7 KKEC 268.7 MAN 270.06 VTA 274.79 VY 275.63 GER 280.17 BJD 283.46 KANJ 287.85 NEP 291.04 MHD 294.88 GTE 303.35 11 stations ND 312.46 UTD 317.91 1 stations KBRV 323.45 XX-ANNC 330.38 1 stations ANND 331.22 VXD 337.75 ADD 341.78 2 stations VDA 346.48 NDR 351.77 RNO 354.05 KRCA 357.2 BJW 359.42 BDA 360.48 BRGY 362.45 6 stations BRC 366.71 VS 369.65 MPR 375.31 VRM 380.96 ITA 384.82 KSPR 388.82 5 stations MYG 396.52 LKD 404.65 PLJ 411.72 VRE 418.06 NIU 425.07 CVJ 431.58 XX-BHBC 435.95 6 stations BH 437.26 CCTA 445.82 1 stations AKV 446.57 SNJL 452.21 PAO 456.84 HAT 460.67 KSB 465.03 KIM 472.83 KDSD 475.6 SYN 482.74 GTX 485.89 KSE 489.41 URN 492.73 ST 496.42 11 stations UDN 500.42 XX-UDNB 503.61 BHET 505.89 SCH 510.98 MRL 517.61 NVS 526.02 GNST 529.15 HXR 530.63 VDH 534.49 ACL 537.88 AML 541.74 10 stations BIM 547.1 JRS 551.14 DGI 556.24 BL 565.3 ATUL 572.05 PAD 575.76 UVD 581.53 BAGD 584.62 VAPI 591.44 KEB 597.85 BLD 602.72 SJN 614.26 UBR 619.42 BRRD 623.9 GVD 628.82 DRD 639.94 VGN 652.25 BOR 661.66 UOI 666.4 PLG 672.95 KLV 681.35 SAH 687.69 VTN 695.51 VR 704.05 VCSV 706.32 NSP 708.27 25 stations BSR 712.4 NIG 716.18 BYR 720.79 MIRA 724.28 DIC 727.59 BVI 729.96 KDKC 732.0 KILE 732.72 MDD 734.67 GMN 737.19 RMAR 738.62 JOS 740.31 ADH 742.3 VLP 744.35 STC 746.3 14 stations BDTS 748.36
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