The 3 words which even now bring a sweat down my forehead are, ‘Karnataka Sampark Kranti’; As soon as I hear those words, in a rapid flashback, my mind travels back to July 19, 2013. I was headed to Delhi for a year’s coaching for competitive exams. Though the waitlisted tickets were booked barely 10days back, they got confirmed on the morning of travel day, in 3 AC that too, which I assumed was slightly difficult. What I didn’t realize at that point was that the Journey was never going to happen. July in Delhi meant hot summer coming to an...
The 3 words which even now bring a sweat down my forehead are, ‘Karnataka Sampark Kranti’; As soon as I hear those words, in a rapid flashback, my mind travels back to July 19, 2013. I was headed to Delhi for a year’s coaching for competitive exams. Though the waitlisted tickets were booked barely 10days back, they got confirmed on the morning of travel day, in 3 AC that too, which I assumed was slightly difficult. What I didn’t realize at that point was that the Journey was never going to happen. July in Delhi meant hot summer coming to an...
The 3 words which even now bring a sweat down my forehead are, ‘Karnataka Sampark Kranti’; As soon as I hear those words, in a rapid flashback, my mind travels back to July 19, 2013. I was headed to Delhi for a year’s coaching for competitive exams. Though the waitlisted tickets were booked barely 10days back, they got confirmed on the morning of travel day, in 3 AC that too, which I assumed was slightly difficult. What I didn’t realize at that point was that the Journey was never going to happen. July in Delhi meant hot summer coming to an...
The 3 words which even now bring a sweat down my forehead are, ‘Karnataka Sampark Kranti’; As soon as I hear those words, in a rapid flashback, my mind travels back to July 19, 2013. I was headed to Delhi for a year’s coaching for competitive exams. Though the waitlisted tickets were booked barely 10days back, they got confirmed on the morning of travel day, in 3 AC that too, which I assumed was slightly difficult. What I didn’t realize at that point was that the Journey was never going to happen. July in Delhi meant hot summer coming to an...
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