पश्चिम रेलवे की शान, पश्चिम सुपरफास्ट एक्सप्रेस मेरी जान - Abdul Rehman

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Entry# 4699418-0

RKK/Ratangarh Kanakwal (1 PFs)
रतनगढ़ कनकवाल
ਰਤਨਗੜ੍ਹ ਕਨਕਵਾਲ

Track: Single Electric-Line

Ratangarh Kanakwal (RKK) railway station is a small station serving the town of Ratangarh Kanakwal in the Indian state of [State Name]. With a single platform, it provides basic amenities such as waiting rooms and ticket counters. The station is surrounded by a bustling local market offering a glimpse into the daily life of the town.


Temple [Name]: A prominent temple dedicated to [Deity], attracting devotees from far and wide.
Mosque [Name]: A historic mosque known for its architectural beauty.
Gurudwara [Name]: A revered Sikh shrine, offering a peaceful and spiritual experience.
Historical Site [Name]: A site of historical significance, providing insights into the region's past.
Nature Reserve [Name]: A scenic nature reserve offering opportunities for hiking and wildlife viewing.


Restaurant [Name]: Famous for its delicious vegetarian thalis and street food.
Dhaba [Name]: A local favorite serving authentic vegetarian dishes at affordable prices.
Cafe [Name]: A modern cafe offering a variety of vegetarian snacks and beverages.
Sweets Shop [Name]: Indulge in traditional Indian sweets and savories.
Bakery [Name]: A good option for fresh bread, pastries, and vegetarian snacks.
Number of Platforms: 1
Number of Halting Trains: 10
Number of Originating Trains: 0
Number of Terminating Trains: 0

Station Address

Ratangarh Kanakwal
State: Punjab
Elevation: 205 m above sea level
Type: Regular
Category: n/a
Zone: NWR/North Western
Division: Bikaner
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