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KKV/Kunkavav (2 PFs)

Track: Single Electric-Line

Updated: Apr 10 2019 (21:21) by AmishKumar^~
Kunkavav Railway Station (KKV) is located on the Saurashtra Railway line in Gujarat. It serves the town of Kunkavav, known for its traditional textiles and pottery. The station offers basic amenities like waiting rooms and restrooms, and nearby you can find local eateries serving Gujarati cuisine.


Shri Radha Krishna Temple: A popular Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Krishna and Radha.
Swaminarayan Temple: A grand temple of the Swaminarayan sect.
Jain Temple: A serene Jain temple known for its intricate carvings.
Ramdev Pir Dargah: A revered Sufi shrine dedicated to Ramdev Pir.
Kunkavav Hanuman Temple: A local temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman.


Shree Krishna Restaurant: Known for its delicious Gujarati thali and snacks.
Raju's Dhaba: A popular local eatery serving traditional vegetarian dishes.
Sagar Restaurant: Offers a variety of vegetarian options, including South Indian cuisine.
Shreeji Snacks: A great spot for quick and tasty vegetarian snacks.
Govind's Bhojanalaya: A traditional vegetarian restaurant serving authentic Gujarati food.
Number of Platforms: 2
Number of Halting Trains: 8
Number of Originating Trains: 0
Number of Terminating Trains: 0

Station Address

SH 104, Kukavav City , District- Amareli
State: Gujarat
Elevation: n/a
Type: Regular
Category: n/a
Zone: WR/Western
Division: Bhavnagar Para
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