Western Railway :- Dil Bole Baar Baar WR. WR - Abdul Rehman

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RWTB/Rowta Bagan (2 PFs)
राउता बागान
ৰৌতা বাগান

Track: Single Electric-Line

Updated: Oct 26 2023 (18:52) by Padmakant
Rowta Bagan Railway Station (RWTB) is situated in the Udalguri district of Assam, providing connectivity to the charming tea gardens and scenic landscapes of the region.
The station offers basic amenities like waiting rooms and ticket counters, while nearby local shops provide refreshments and snacks.
Visitors can explore the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of the surrounding area, including tea estates and wildlife sanctuaries.


The Udalguri Shiva Temple is a prominent Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, known for its peaceful atmosphere.
The Tea Garden Mosque is a beautiful mosque situated amidst lush tea plantations, offering a serene prayer experience.
The Udalguri Church is a historic church with intricate architecture, representing the Christian community in the region.
The Kaziranga National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a renowned wildlife sanctuary located within driving distance, offering a glimpse into the rich biodiversity of Assam.


The Dhaba offers delicious vegetarian thalis and snacks at affordable prices.
The Tea Garden Cafe serves a variety of vegetarian dishes with a focus on local ingredients.
The Udalguri Restaurant is a popular choice for its wide selection of vegetarian curries and rice dishes.
The Railway Canteen offers simple vegetarian meals and snacks for travellers on the go.
The Local Snack Stall provides traditional Assamese vegetarian snacks and street food.
Number of Platforms: 2
Number of Halting Trains: 10
Number of Originating Trains: 0
Number of Terminating Trains: 0

Station Address

Railway Station Rd, District - Udalguri (B.T.A.D).
State: Assam
Elevation: 104 m above sea level
Type: Regular
Category: NSG-6
Zone: NFR/Northeast Frontier
Division: Rangiya
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