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Blog Entry# 4916009
Posted: Mar 23 2021 (12:13)

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Mar 23 2021 (12:13)   02315/Ananya SF Special (PT) | CNB/Kanpur Central (10 PFs) | GD/WAG-7/27755
Akhtar.Sajid~   1238 blog posts
Entry# 4916009            Tags   Past Edits
Some clicks while onboard 02315 Ananya Sf Special on 19/02/2021.
Pic 1: UDL WDM-3A 14748R
Pic 2: UDL WDM-3A 14748R
Pic 3 - 5: GMC Pics
Pic 6: GD WAG-7 27755
7: LDH WAG-9H 32979
Pic 8: Rura SB
Pic 9: EDFC tracks
Pic 10 - 12: Train curving towards Bayana Jn.

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