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Blog Entry# 5316128
Posted: Apr 21 2022 (22:24)
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Apr 21 2022 (22:24) 17010/Secunderabad - Bidar Intercity Express (UnReserved) | SC/Secunderabad Junction (10 PFs) | BZA/WAP-4/25032
Tapan Sharma^~
Tapan Sharma^~ 1702 blog postsSlightly longer travel to destination due to Rake Share.
Seen here is Vijayawada WAP-4 25032 which initially arrived as 17012 and is about to depart as 17010 Secunderabad to Bidar Intercity Express.
Seen here is Vijayawada WAP-4 25032 which initially arrived as 17012 and is about to depart as 17010 Secunderabad to Bidar Intercity Express.