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Blog Entry# 619288
Posted: Dec 22 2012 (23:05)

54 Responses
Last Response: Jan 03 2013 (18:02)
Rail Fanning

Dec 22 2012 (23:05)   SEL/Sankrail (4 PFs)
Sabyasachi~   11940 blog posts
Entry# 619288            Tags  
Short Notice Railfanning Trip to a Tinsel Town (SANKRAIL) Station in SER.
A Really Short Notice RF Trip inviting Few of the known Kolkata resident IRI members apart from the Kolkata RF Group, we invited Saurabh,Prakash and Joydeep.
However due to Pre-Occupations,
Only Myself,Dipyaman Basu,PKV Sir and Arkya could make it to the final line-up while Wrik** proposed to join us at the venue
at around 5pm from the pre-ocupations he had enroute the Venue.
As planned before,PKV,DB and Arkya gathered at Howrah and after buying a Return UTS Ticket for ALL 3 set out to the venue taking the 1615pm PKU EMU from Howrah.
While myself wanted to enjoy the RF day, left my house at 230pm, A full 90 mins early to catch the Intercities lined up for Afternoon with CORO.
As i setup my position at Ramrajatala, a couple of RPF personnel was found strolling down the station, not sure they were on Duty or they were in other work across the station, tried to find myself a place on a FOB at the station.
As i waited to catch some views of the passing trains,suddenly found some harsh honking from across the Howrah Side.Thinking what could be it so late with Alco,it appeared from a distance and judging from the length of the rake, it was the RSA rake of 18001 Hwh - Digha KANDARI Exp.

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51 Posts


Dec 27 2012 (08:23)
Sabyasachi~   11940 blog posts
Re# 619288-66              
Thanks SMJ Sir.
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Jan 03 2013 (17:57)
DipyamanBasu~   39687 blog posts
Re# 619288-69              
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Jan 03 2013 (18:02)
tiwarigp74   2448 blog posts
Re# 619288-70              
omg omg this is hoogly river am i correct? many thanks for posting. i loved to sit on the bank of river specially in the evening of summer days.
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