आम लोग: "रेल फैनिंग आती नहीं". RailFans: "रेल फैनिंग जाती नहीं" - Md Asif

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Comparison with: 05384/Kashipur - Lalkuan Passenger Special
KPV/Kashipur Junction to LKU/Lal Kuan Junction

Compare Route with:
Shortest Route: 9 Stations. 58 km.
Train: 8 Stations. 58 km.
Train follows the Shortest Route between Kashipur Junction and Lal Kuan Junction.
Shortest Route
8 StationsKm    
6 stations
05384/Kashipur - Lalkuan P...
8 StationsKm    
1 stations
1 stations
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