Mon Feb 17 19:06:46 IST
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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 47151/Umdanagar - Lingampalli MMTS 57601/Falaknuma - Wadi Passenger 47153/Umdanagar - Lingampalli MMTS 47154/Umdanagar - Telapur MMTS 47211/Umdanagar - Telapur MMTS (Ladies Special) 47155/Falaknuma - Ramachandrapuram TS MMTS 47165/Umdanagar - Telapur MMTS 47157/Umdanagar - Lingampalli MMTS 47160/Umdanagar - Lingampalli MMTS 47163/Umdanagar - Lingampalli MMTS 47164/Umdanagar - Lingampalli MMTS 47207/Falaknuma - Telapur MMTS 47166/Falaknuma - Lingampalli MMTS 47167/Falaknuma - Lingampalli MMTS 17253/Guntur - Aurangabad Express 47203/Umdanagar - Lingampalli MMTS 47218/Falaknuma - Ramachandrapuram MMTS 47170/Falaknuma - Lingampalli MMTS 47220/Falaknuma - Lingampalli MMTS
Shortest Route: 26 Stations. 38 km.
Train: 25 Stations. 38 km. Train follows the Shortest Route between Falaknuma and Lingampalli.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 25 Stations Km FM 0.0 HPG 1.29 YKA 3.66 DQR 4.45 MXT 5.66 KCG 7.29 VAR 9.2 JOO 10.51 ATC 11.24 STPD 12.33 9 stations SC 14.44 JET 16.1 SJVP 17.26 XX-SJVB 18.25 BMT 19.31 NCHS 20.41 FNB 21.56 SNF 23.31 BTNR 24.12 CSTN 24.85 BRBD 26.46 HTCY 29.36 HFZ 32.28 CDNR 35.74 13 stations LPI 37.52
Hide/Show Train Stations 47170/Falaknuma - Lingampa... 25 Stations Km FM 0.0 HPG 1.29 YKA 3.66 DQR 4.45 MXT 5.66 KCG 7.29 VAR 9.2 JOO 10.51 ATC 11.24 STPD 12.33 SC 14.44 JET 16.1 SJVP 17.26 XX-SJVB 18.25 1 stations BMT 19.31 NCHS 20.41 FNB 21.56 SNF 23.31 1 stations BTNR 24.12 CSTN 24.85 1 stations BRBD 26.46 HTCY 29.36 HFZ 32.28 CDNR 35.74 LPI 37.52
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