WAP-7 - तेरे जैसा यार कहाँ , कहाँ ऐसा याराना , याद करेगी दुनियां तेरा मेरा अफसाना. - Arjun Rai

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DPL/Danauli Phulwaria (3 PFs)
दनौली फुलवड़िया
دنولی پھلوڑیہ

Track: Double Electric-Line

Updated: Jan 23 2023 (15:11)
Danauli Phulwaria Railway Station (DPL) is located in Pokharia, Bari Ballia, Begusarai district, Bihar, with pin code 851211. The station features 3 platforms and is served by a limited number of trains. The station provides basic amenities like ticket counters and waiting areas.


The ancient Shiva Temple in Pokharia is a prominent pilgrimage site.
The Hanuman Temple in Bari Ballia is known for its peaceful atmosphere.
The Durga Temple in Begusarai is a popular destination for devotees.
The Jain Temple in Danauli Phulwaria is a peaceful and serene place of worship.
The mosque in Bari Ballia is a significant religious site for the Muslim community.


Bhojanalaya is a popular spot for delicious vegetarian thalis and snacks.
Sagar Restaurant offers a wide variety of vegetarian dishes, including North Indian specialties.
Annapurna Sweets & Snacks is famous for its mouthwatering sweets and savoury items.
Rajdhani Dhaba serves authentic vegetarian dishes at affordable prices.
The Veg Corner is a small eatery known for its flavorful vegetarian curries and rice dishes.
Number of Platforms: 3
Number of Halting Trains: 12
Number of Originating Trains: 0
Number of Terminating Trains: 0

Station Address

Pokharia, Danauli Phulwaria, Bari Ballia, Dist.- Begusarai, Pin-851211
State: Bihar
Elevation: 44 m above sea level
Type: Regular
Category: NSG-6
Zone: ECR/East Central
Division: Sonpur
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