Mon Feb 10 01:44:43 IST
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RailFanning is an art-form; RailFans are the paints - Ayush Kumar Singh
Close-up; Night Pic; Side View; Large TB; EOG/SLR; Outside of Train; Standing at Station;
Side View; Large TB; EOG/SLR; Outside of Train; Standing at Outer;
12698/Thiruvananthapuram Central - MGR Chennai Central Weekly SF Express (PT) तिरुवनन्तपुरम सेंट्रल - एम० जी० आर० चेन्नै सेन्ट्रल साप्ताहिक सुपरफ़ास्ट एक्सप्रेस
Jan 01 (13:27)
Travel Time:
15h 10m 11 halts Distance: 893 km Avg Speed: 59 km/hr Type: SuperFast
Rake Zone: SR/Southern
Latest News (You need to double-check/verify this info yourself) ◉ JCO 19.06.21 & 26.06.21 will remain cancelled due to poor patronage.Tue Jun 15, 2021 (02:24PM)
Rating: 4.3 /5 (49 votes)
cleanliness - excellent (8)
punctuality - excellent (8)
ticket avbl - average (9)
u/r coach - excellent (5)
railfanning - excellent (8)
Bedroll/Linen :
Pantry/Catering ✕ Pantry Car
✓ On-board Catering ✓ E-Catering
➡️ Pantry Car will be used to load breakfast from Salem. ...
more... Catering by Arenco Catering, Salem. Options are:- Pongal Vada, Masala Dosa and Idli Vada.; ➡️ E-Catering is available at TVC, QLN, ERS, KPD & MAS.
LHB Rake
Rake/Coach Position RSA - Rake Sharing RSA Pattern: 16334 - 16333 - 12698 - 12697. Single Dedicated Rake with PM @ TVC CDO/SR.
11 halts. 177 intermediate Stations between Thiruvananthapuram Central (Trivandrum) and MGR Chennai Central
13.2 km
3 intermediate stations
51.3 km
12 intermediate stations
84.2 km
12 intermediate stations
57.2 km
11 intermediate stations
74.0 km
15 intermediate stations
75.4 km
14 intermediate stations
49.8 km
6 intermediate stations
93.8 km
12 intermediate stations
Remote Quota Starting and charting station.
59.7 km
8 intermediate stations
120.5 km
19 intermediate stations
84.5 km
12 intermediate stations
129.6 km
42 intermediate stations
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