पश्चिम रेलवे की शान, पश्चिम सुपरफास्ट एक्सप्रेस मेरी जान - Abdul Rehman

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Blog Entry# 1554217
Posted: Jul 30 2015 (19:37)

5 Responses
Last Response: Aug 07 2015 (10:00)
Rail Fanning

Jul 30 2015 (19:37)   13332/Patna - Dhanbad InterCity Express | MOR/Mor (2 PFs) | MGS/WAP-4/22861
~   3007 blog posts
Entry# 1554217            Tags   Past Edits
#admins pls update the above as the #sb pic of MOR.My 13331 DHN PNBE ICE takes an unscheduled halt at MOR with MGS WAP 4-22861.MPS mentioned was 140 kmph inside the CAB.In very near future it will burn ECR tracks at 130 kmph with lhb trains.
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1 Public Posts - Thu Jul 30, 2015


Aug 06 2015 (23:30)
IndianTrainFanonTwitter~   10318 blog posts
Re# 1554217-2              
Nice pic but I don't understand that how does this train travel between Main Line's Chittranjan and Grand Chord's Kulti without loco reversal? Is there any direct track between these two stations? If yes, then I am desperate to see that line's photos :-)
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3 Public Posts - Fri Aug 07, 2015
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