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Blog Entry# 1720943
Posted: Jan 25 2016 (16:55)

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Jan 25 2016 (16:55)   22904/Bhuj - Bandra Terminus AC SF Express | RUT/Ratnal (1 PFs)
Rang De Basanti^
Rang De Basanti^   61079 blog posts
Entry# 1720943            Tags  
Bhuj - Bandra T AC Express at Ratnal station, 2nd station after Bhuj, waiting for crossing...
Normally this train is not made to wait for any other train, and the least at Ratnal, This is second fastest train in ADI-BDTS stretch after Duronto.
But, on that day in August 2015, it departed late due to its late arrival, and on the other side Bareiily Bhuj Express was running late too, so it was made to wait at RUT (Ratnal) to enable Ala Hazrat to cross through towards Bhuj..
reason:- heavy rains in the area has rendered train services disrupted / disturbed...
AC express arrived late from BDTS and was thus running late too Ex Bhuj ...

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