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Blog Entry# 4492609
Posted: Nov 19 2019 (18:58)
2 Responses
Last Response: Nov 20 2019 (16:49)
2 Responses
Last Response: Nov 20 2019 (16:49)
Nov 19 2019 (18:58) 20654/Belagavi - KSR Bengaluru SF Express (PT) | ASK/Arsikere Junction (3 PFs)
SingleTraveller^~ 3276 blog postsLooks like PM is being done at night too.
4 rakes. 3 to - UBL, MYS, SBC.
MYS gets the most crowd. DWR - MYS coaches arrive completely filled and gets packed here. People who can't get in then wait for the Pass whose announcement you can hear in the video. People fight to get in even before shunting is completed. That...
4 rakes. 3 to - UBL, MYS, SBC.
MYS gets the most crowd. DWR - MYS coaches arrive completely filled and gets packed here. People who can't get in then wait for the Pass whose announcement you can hear in the video. People fight to get in even before shunting is completed. That...