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Blog Entry# 5226874
Posted: Feb 24 2022 (01:22)

13 Responses
Last Response: Feb 24 2022 (23:56)
Rail Fanning

Feb 24 2022 (01:22)   19702/Sainik Express | JP/Jaipur Junction (8 PFs)
TouristerDivyanshu^~   178002 blog posts
Entry# 5226874            Tags   Past Edits
#Jaipur_Trip Part-1

Was onboard in Sainik Express (the train has no link with Sainik or defence)
Take a long route to Jaipur mainly to serve Sikar mainly, majority of pax deboarded
at sikar

On time train with nice PM done by DEE CDO
Tickets were easily available in every class



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2 Public Posts - Thu Feb 24, 2022


Feb 24 2022 (04:35)
TouristerDivyanshu^~   178002 blog posts
Re# 5226874-3              
Part-3 (Metro)


It was my 6th Metro Ride in India
it from Station to Badi Chaupar
To visit Hawa Mahal, Jantar Mantar & nearby all places..

You have always heard or even read that Jaipur Metro is Flop ..
I too say it as one of most flopped metro system in India..
But why?
1. Route Selection was correct but Implementation was on wrong side
2. Didn't extend the line & new lines were not executed in planned timing with fast pace of work
3. Civil Technical Error for slow speed, it has massive curve after and before railway station that it hardly runs on 20 kmph for the curve.. which was shocking for me but i thought it was built in an era which has less interest in Infrastructure projects in India
4. Current line only cover the cover the half of tourism place i say 30-40% hardly, being one of top International Destination place as well as one of top in domestic place it needs to connect first all the tourism destination and it was possible in the current line but then again it was not implemented..
Metro doesn't go to most famous place that is Amber Fort 😶
5. Majority of tourists prefer a class system of transport service.. here we have BRT roads in jaipur but no management not even 10% of Ahemdabad BRTS..

Its my opinion and my research what i found about Jaipur Metro
However it uses the BEML by Hyundai Rotem (standard gauge same as used in Pink Line) little bit difference in design may be seen but rolling stock is same..
it costs me 12 Rs from Station to Badi Chaupar means Hawa Mahal 😀


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10 Public Posts - Thu Feb 24, 2022
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