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Blog Entry# 5588108
Posted: Dec 30 2022 (20:04)

4 Responses
Last Response: Dec 31 2022 (22:56)
Rail Fanning

Dec 30 2022 (20:04)   02201/Howrah - New Jalpaiguri Vande Bharat Inaugural Special | HWHS/Howrah ( South New Complex )
SAPTARSHI^~   26843 blog posts
Entry# 5588108            Tags   Past Edits
14 compliments
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great
जिस धरती से वंदे मातरम का जयघोष हुआ, वहा से आज वंदे भारत को हरी झंडी दिखाई गई

This became the most-talked train of Bengal with lots of anticipation & fanbase as well as thousands of unwanted cheap opinions, some people cursing it before its inauguration, spreading rumours about the route of the train, predicting it would be a flop & so on .. Still the craze for the train was from the beginning...the train was captured right from its Day 1 during its transit, lots of enthusiasts flocking the car
depot for a first glimpse from early morning...the trial runs was witnessed by several people including myself, the fanbase of the train kept increasing until the grand day came....

Onboard Inaugural run:

This was one of the most exciting journey for me, became quite a sad inaugural, as Prime Minister was seen in the giant screen flagging off the train with sad eyes after his personal loss. What courage & dedication he has towards his duties!

I couldn't sleep properly the entire night, leaving bed at 3AM & took first local from my home station to Howrah & WOW! I found Vande Bharat rake entering parallely to us & being berthed at 05:30 AM! Upon arriving at Howrah, waited for my mates to arrive. We received boarding pass & entered PF22 after all formalities at around 09:30 AM. Took few pictures outside while it was announced towards all passengers to board train about 30 mins before departure as doors would be closed. For Railway Fan clubs & enthusiasts, 2 coaches (about 150 seats) were alloted but I could find not even 50 heads! Lots of seats were empty in our coach.

The train took off late by 10 mins due to some off-stage pseudo-political drama. I really hoped to see Prime Minister today but luck didn't favour. The points must have been set much ahead of our departure & as it would be embarassing if by any chance points would fail infront of ministers. During our departure, absolutely no trains were seen entering or departing from massive Howrah, the outers were literally empty, NTES shows several trains delayed or controlled for Vande Bharat. We were provided with welcome kit soon (the menu provided in images). The tracks, stations, bridges were full of people witnessing this historical event...what a wonderful scene it was... I could resist recording a few clips.

Reached Dankuni & food was loaded. Cultural programmes being performed, while we entered & departed. The train was getting delayed at wayside stations as RPF/GRP couldn't properly control the crowd who came up on tracks. Halted for few mins at Kamarkundu. We were offered snacks/breakfast before Masagram & tea after Masagram stoppage. The breakfast was quite tasty but they could have used the heating case for fried items. Tea had various options.

Train stopped as per schedule at Saktigarh (where 13151 o/t us), Burdwan & Khana. Some people who got up to get a glimpse of the train at BWN & got stuck inside the train were deboarded at Khana. After a cat & mouse chase & parallel run with 13151 b/w BWN-KAN, we had lunch served. Lunch was fine except for the cold-chewy parathas, lot of food was extra & staff were offering them to us. Water bottles was being provided at 1hr interval. Catering staff was extremely professional & was packing food for deboarding pax as well.

After passing BWN, I could find most of our known mates kept their phones aside & was gossiping, enjoying the joyride. Soon we were entering Bolpur. I packed up & deboarded at Sainthia. Many co-passengers continued till Rampurhat, some till Malda & NJP. Our tickets allowed round trip travel HWH-NJP & back and some mates used it so.
This was one of the most memorable trips I had, was busy enjoying the trip & craze ..so few pictures.

- The best memories are made in December, but we also loose some of our favourite peoples - 🙂

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Dec 30 2022 (20:06)
FraudsterConman   7670 blog posts
Re# 5588108-1              
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Unable to be a part of this event. caught a nasty cold
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Dec 30 2022 (21:03)
TouristerDivyanshu^~   177977 blog posts
Re# 5588108-2              
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Marvelous 🔥
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Dec 31 2022 (08:57)
SAPTARSHI^~   26843 blog posts
Re# 5588108-3              
Articles & circulars related to Inaugural train (for record)
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Dec 31 2022 (22:56)guest
Re# 5588108-4              
1 compliments
Excellent Coverage 🙌🏻🙌🏻
A rare experience indeed.
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