Tamilnadu Express: தமிழுக்கு அனைத்து இடமுண்டு, அதேபோல் தமிழ்நாடு அதிவிரைவு ரெயிலிற்கு அதிக முன்னுரிமையுண்டு. அதிவிரைவு இரயில்களுக்கு எல்லாம் முன்னோடி தலைவர் - Sakthivel Srinivasan

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Blog Entry# 5677909
Posted: Mar 27 2023 (15:37)

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Rail Fanning

Mar 27 2023 (15:37)   04203/Ayodhya Cantt - Lucknow MEMU Special | ML/Malhaur (5 PFs)
kirk781^~   4899 blog posts
Entry# 5677909            Tags  
Malhour is the point from where NR and NER tracks diverge. The NR tracks go straight to LKO whilst NER ones loop around the city of Lucknow and reach LJN. Earlier, this station used to be considered outside the scope of Lucknow, however expanding nature of the city means it has now come under it [public transportation to and from the station are somewhat available now].

The station also recently got a makeover with the NER side getting extra lines, an extra high rise platform and a proper FOB. Visible in the
images are the curving nature of the NER side platform [due to which there is mps restriction] and few station board images. Currently, only one train stops here [ the one tagged and by which I came back ]; however, it had decent stoppages back when Barabanki - Lucknow - Kanpur EMU system used to run pre COVID. It also has a makeshift RPF thing and public toilets though the latter remain locked.

Reaching here from Lucknow Jn/LKO isn't still the easiest with atleast one change required and nearly forty five minutes needed to cover the distance.[ via public transport].

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