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Blog Entry# 948953
Posted: Dec 28 2013 (21:49)

24 Responses
Last Response: Dec 31 2013 (11:01)
Rail Fanning

Dec 28 2013 (21:49)   LOGH/Lottegollahalli (2 PFs) | KJM/WDM-3A/16670R
KJMWDM3A14026~   1058 blog posts
Entry# 948953            Tags   Past Edits
Railfanning meet with IRI members at LOGH:
Tejas sir sent me a message asking me if I was free on Saturday at 16:30 hours for a meet an discussion on IR. I accepted his kind invitation and arrived at LOGH at 16:30. PKV sir,, Tejas sir, Singh is King, Hareesh sir, Minti sir, Shashank Bhat sir were already there. We moved over to under the bridge. Under the bridge, we celebrated Hareesh sir's birthday by cutting a birthday cake. Soon, we helped ourselves to Cake and Mysore pak and invariably the talk turned to IR. Various issues and technical details like MAQ-SBC line via Kunigal, WDP 4D locos in KJM, trip to RCF,DLW were discussed. We posed for a customary photo-op under
the LOGH board and proceeded towards a small tea stall for some chai. Though we did not meet many trains, only YPR-SA passenger passed by after wishing Hareesh sir with a generous display of smoke from the WDM 3A from KJM. A couple of light locos(KJM WDM 3A's) went towards KJM while a WDP 4 and WDM 3A went from KJM to YPR/SBC which Minti sir said was the loco links of Rajdhani and KAWR/Kannur express respectively. As we headed towards the tea shop, Basava Express proceeded towards SUR with a KJM dippy 4. After the chai, we said goodbye and left home thinking about the next meet...
Some pics from the session
1. YPR-SA Pass entering LOGH
2. Pass standing at LOGH
3. Mt. KJM wishes Hareesh sir a happy birthday
4. The group hanging out
5. The cake
6. Cake cutting
7. Feeding the cake to the youngest IR fan there
8. Posing under the bridge
9. KJM WDM 3A going light to KJM
10. WDP 4 power for Raj
11. KAWR Express power unit
12. Smoking KJM WDM 3A wishing us a good evening
13. The group pic 1
14. group pic 2

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Dec 28 2013 (22:07)
ItsMePK^~   16298 blog posts
Re# 948953-2              
Lovely.. A great miss by me..
@Tejas: Great Cake :-)
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