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Blog Entry# 5832141
Posted: Sep 27 2023 (13:56)

9 Responses
Last Response: Dec 09 2023 (16:23)
Rail Fanning

Sep 27 2023 (13:56)   12946/Banaras - Veraval Weekly SF Express (PT) | GOY/Govindpuri (Kanpur) (3 PFs)
PrakharYadav   16561 blog posts
Entry# 5832141            Tags   Past Edits
4 compliments
Great Great Great Great
Recently inaugurated 12946 Banaras Veraval SF @ GOY PF1
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Sep 27 2023 (14:59)
PrakharYadav   16561 blog posts
Re# 5832141-5               Past Edits
04188 TDL CNB MEMU standing @ GOY pf3 since above an hour as told by passengers.

@ the same time, its return 04187 CNB TDL MEMU was going to arrive. Passengers started gathering and announcement were being done.
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Sep 27 2023 (15:55)
Betaaj_Badshah^~   3404 blog posts
Re# 5832141-6              
1 compliments
No problem
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Oct 17 2023 (14:47)
kirk781^~   5464 blog posts
Re# 5832141-7              
Good thinking. I recently was trying to take a train TB few months before at Varanasi. Since goods/parcel are also loaded/unloaded at the front of the train, there was a Railway employee as well there. Even saw through the images I took before quickly letting me go. Dunno but many railway personnel still think that anybody with a camera is a danger.

Eithercase, how is Govindpuri as a station and it's connectivity to Kanpur? I have been to the city twice. Stations like Anwarganj, Rawatpur, Kalyanpur run right through the middle of
the city and are very easily accessible. Dunno about Govindpuri.

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Dec 05 2023 (12:07)
PrakharYadav   16561 blog posts
Re# 5832141-8               Past Edits
Although, there is good urban agglomeration around GOY yet the 'Road to GOY' (station) is terrible.

GOY is located in different part of the city than the stations, u mentioned. The city struggles with encroachments, heavy traffic and connectivity from one part of the city to another.

but not the least, GOY has not been considered for #kanpurMETRO in Phase1.

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Dec 09 2023 (16:23)
kirk781^~   5464 blog posts
Re# 5832141-9              
I am not too optimistic about future phases of Kanpur metro, especially in the near future. Lucknow Metro is nearly stalled after completion of one longish line. The second line was supposed to connect, from a railway point of view, the old city including 'Lucknow City' rail station.

LMRC had their future plans laid out on their website couple of years back and Utratia was quite down the list. If the latter was ever connected to a metro network, IR can easily start trains from there and passengers won't have any issue
catching them. Currently, they have shifted couple of passengers/EMUs there.

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